autumn child

Look at my baby tattoo and my fake pirate one on my arm!. I got my snake toe ring tattoo done this year and I'm desperate for more but I need to chill because I want things like cherubs with get money written on them on my asssssses. I am in loooove with these trousers me and my auntie got a pair each from a baragin bin in maccesfield for a fiver!. This outfit is like what retail is tryna be at the moment however the quality of the above fabrics they just ain't gunna get. I really need to start wearing make-up again :(.

head scarf -  mums 
top- Bohemia
trousers- costume shop 
kimono - original seed 
necklace- charity shop 

1 comment:

on all the blogs in all the sphere you had to click on mine-thanks <3